
Btree 介绍

  • Btree 是一种多路搜索树,每个节点可以存储多个元素,每个元素可以有多个子节点。
  • 对于一棵M阶的B树,每个节点最多有M个子节点,最少有⌈M/2⌉个子节点(⌈x⌉为向上取整符号);最多有M-1个元素,最少有⌈M/2⌉-1个元素。(B+树也是一样)
  • 2-3树是一种特殊的 btree,2-3树的阶数为 3,每个节点最多有 2 个元素,最多有 3 个子节点。(其中“2-3”代表的是该树允许的子节点个数范围)
  • 同样地,对于一棵4阶的2-3-4树,每个节点最多有4个子节点,最多有3个元素。每个节点最少有2个子节点,最少有1个元素。

    Btree 特性





Btree 的插入

  • 插入的时候,先找到插入的位置,然后插入到叶子节点中。
  • 如果插入之后,叶子节点的元素个数大于 m,那么就需要进行分裂操作。
  • 分裂操作:将叶子节点的元素分成两部分,左边的元素个数为 (m+1)/2,右边的元素个数为 m-(m+1)/2,然后将左边的元素放到左边的节点中,右边的元素放到右边的节点中,然后将中间的元素插入到父节点中。
  • 如果父节点的元素个数大于 m,那么就需要继续进行分裂操作。

Btree 的删除

  • 删除的时候,先找到删除的位置,然后删除该元素。
  • 如果删除之后,叶子节点的元素个数小于 m/2,那么就需要进行合并操作。
  • 合并操作:将叶子节点的元素合并成一个节点,然后将父节点中的元素删除,然后将合并后的节点插入到父节点中。
  • 如果父节点的元素个数小于 m/2,那么就需要继续进行合并操作。





  • B+tree 的非叶子节点只存储索引,不存储数据,而 Btree 的非叶子节点既存储索引也存储数据。
  • B+tree 的叶子节点之间有一个链表,而 Btree 的叶子节点之间没有链表。
  • B+tree 的叶子节点存储的数据是有序的,而 Btree 的叶子节点存储的数据是无序的。
  • B+tree 的叶子节点存储的数据是可重复的,而 Btree 的叶子节点存储的数据是不重复的。




B* 树


LLRB(left-leaning red-black tree)


We said in the previous section that we really like 2-3 trees because they always remain balanced, but we also don’t like them because they are hard to implement. But why not both? Why not create a tree that is implemented using a BST, but is structurally identical to a 2-3 tree and thus stays balanced? (Note that in this chapter we will be honing in on 2-3 Trees specifically, not 2-3-4 trees)

Enter the Red-Black Tree

We are going to create this tree by looking at a 2-3 tree and asking ourselves what kind of modifications we can make in order to convert it into a BST.

For a 2-3 tree that only has 2-nodes (nodes with 2 children), we already have a BST, so we don’t need to make any modifications!

However, what happens when we get a 3-node?

One thing we could do is create a “glue” node that doesn’t hold any information and only serves to show that its 2 children are actually a part of one node.

However, this is a very inelegant solution because we are taking up more space and the code will be ugly. So, instead of using glue nodes we will use glue links instead!

We choose arbitrarily to make the left element a child of the right one. This results in a left-leaning tree. We show that a link is a glue link by making it red. Normal links are black. Because of this, we call these structures left-leaning red-black trees (LLRB). We will be using left-leaning trees in 61B.

Left-Leaning Red-Black trees have a 1-1 correspondence with 2-3 trees. Every 2-3 tree has a unique LLRB red-black tree associated with it. As for 2-3-4 trees, they maintain correspondence with standard Red-Black trees.
LLRBs maintain correspondence with 2-3 tree, Standard Red-Black trees maintain correspondence with 2-3-4 trees.