【设计模式】obbserver in MVC
cs61b sp21 proj0 2048 中的MVC和observer
The MVC pattern divides our problem into three parts:
The model represents the subject matter being represented and acted upon – in this case incorporating the state of a board game and the rules by which it may be modified. Our model resides in the Model, Side, Board, and Tile classes. The instance variables of Model fully determine what the state of the game is. Note: You’ll only be modifying the Model class.
A view of the model, which displays the game state to the user. Our view resides in the GUI and BoardWidget classes.
A controller for the game, which translates user actions into operations on the model. Our controller resides mainly in the Game class, although it also uses the GUI class to read keystrokes
The second pattern utilized is the “Observer pattern”. Basically this means that the model doesn’t actually report changes to the view. Instead, the view registers itself as an observer of the Model object. This is a somewhat advanced topic so we will provide no additional information here.
We’ll now go over the different classes that you will interact with.